B&W clinic was established in 1955 by two young doctors who just graduated from their medical training; Drs. Harold Bulgerin and Bonnie Westbrook, hence the name B&W Clinic. They moved to Eastland, Texas on a “shoestring” pooling enough resources to buy furniture and medical supplies to open a clinic. B&W clinic was established on the 3rd floor of the old Exchange Bank Building in downtown Eastland with Dr. Bulgerin’s wife, Loretta Bulgerin, being the first “lab tech” at the clinic. At that time, a doctor’s visit was $3.oo. Three more dollars got you an “extra penicillin shot”. In 1972, B&W clinic moved to the current location on Plummer St. across from Eastland Memorial Hospital. In 1958, B&W Clinic hired me, Dr. B.B. Alexander, and I practiced here until my retirement in 2002. Through the years, there have been numerous doctors who have practiced medicine in the clinic. Some of them include Dr. William Oswalt M.D., Dr. Hugh Wilson, M.D., Dr. Greg Smith, M.D., Dr. Jaime Cox, M.D., and Dr. Robert C. Matthews, M.D. In 2008, the clinic was sold to the present day physicians of Dr. Alan B. Mickish M.D. and Dr. Kevin R. Cunningham D.O. under the name of B&W Healthcare Associates, Inc. The clinic has been proud to serve the residents of Eastland County for over 60 years.
Dr. B.B. Alexander M.D. (1929-2018)